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Final Paper
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A university study in science/engineering, devoid of a practical component such as laboratory work, is virtually unthinkable and is not be acceptable to ABET accreditation process. One could even go so far as saying that it is extremely rare for anyone to question the necessity of laboratory work in university science/engineering curricula. Laboratory work is an essential part of the science/engineering game that needs hands-on experience and learning process. This article is primarily directed at a clarification of sequence of environmental engineering laboratory offerings as well as group learning experience in a lab course at a University setting based on the students’ perception and attitude. Based on the responses of 102 students out of 133 students in the class, it appears that students’ perception and attitude towards offerings the environmental engineering lab and the lecture in the same semester appeared to be favorable. But no inference could be drawn for the experience they gained from group work in the lab class, although overall group learning experience seems to be favorable with a scale of 3.76 on a 5.0 scale based on summer 2016 and fall 2016 data.
M. A. Karim
Civil and Construction Engineering
Kennesaw State University
United States