Proceedings »
Introduce a Girl To Engineering Day: Assessment and Future Directions
Final Paper![]() 260KB |
Lowcountry Branch of SWE, and the Girl Scouts of Eastern South Carolina coordinate to plan
and facilitate “Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day,” a three-hour outreach event designed to
excite middle-school-aged females about engineering. A survey, adapted from the Middle and
High School STEM-Student Survey developed by the Friday Institute for Educational
Innovation, was administered before and after the Spring 2016 outreach event. Participants
were asked to indicate their level of agreement with nine statements related to their interest in
and motivation to pursue an engineering degree. Statistical analyses indicated that engagement
in the event led to positive changes in participants’ engineering attitudes, perhaps most notably
their belief that they could “be successful in a career in engineering.”
Mary Katherine Watson
Civil and Environmental Engineering
The Citadel
United States
Laura Russo
Civil and Environmental Engineering
The Citadel
United States
Dimitra Michalaka
Civil and Environmental Engineering
The Citadel
United States