ASEE Zone 2 Conference 2017

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Enriching the Experiential Learning Experience through Inverted Classrooms

Final Paper
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Concern that larger class sizes are reducing student-instructor interaction and impacting student learning has motivated educators to look for innovative teaching and classroom management techniques. One approach involves combining the features of an “inverted classroom” with an experiential learning environment. With the inverted (flipped) classroom model providing students with lesson material outside the classroom through an online environment, class time is devoted for experiential learning activities that complement the online lessons while also stimulating critical thinking and reflection. This paper discusses how the inverted classroom was used in collaboration with experiential learning activities in two required courses from two separate programs. In doing so, it also reveals several interesting findings regarding student engagement, the role of a collaborative classroom environment in creating a learning community, and the impact of experiential learning activities in developing problem solving skills.


Peter Rogers    
Civil Engineering and Construction Management
Georgia Southern University
United States

Clint Martin    
Civil Engineering and Construction Management
Georgia Southern University
United States


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