ASEE Zone 2 Conference 2017

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Study of Pre- and Post-Test Surveys in an Engineering Economy Course

Final Paper
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This study examines the pre- and post-test data from two class sections of Engineering Economy taught in a 2016 compressed summer term at The Citadel. A background knowledge probe (pre- test) and course knowledge survey (post-test) were developed based on key concepts in engineering economics to assess the knowledge gained over the course of the summer term. The pre-test was administered to measure student’s prior engineering economy knowledge and to identify student misconceptions at the beginning of the term. The same short-answer test (post- test) was administered on the last day of semester to assess knowledge gained as a result of the course experience. Statistical analyses were performed using the collected data. The results show that the students gained significant understanding on the various concepts in engineering economy over the course of the summer term. Additionally, the pedagogical approaches used in the classes and how they were applied in the classroom are discussed.


Simon Ghanat    
Civil and Environmental Engineering
The Citadel
United States

Dimitra Michalaka    
Civil and Environmental Engineering
The Citadel
United States

James Grayson    
Civil and Environmental Engineering
The Citadel
United States


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