ASEE Zone 2 Conference 2017

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Radio Frequency Power Meter Design Project

Final Paper
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This student paper discusses a radio frequency power meter developed and prototyped as part of a senior project capstone course in electronic engineering technology. Radio Frequency Power Meters find wide application as primary commissioning and maintenance tools within various industries, from communications systems of all types, to industrial systems incorporating radio frequency energy. Their primary purpose is to first of all, provide an indication of the radio energy delivered to the antenna system or other load from the transmitter for the purpose of carrying intelligence, or enabling industrial processes. Secondly, this instrument will provide an indication of the transmission line match characteristics that exist between the transmitter and transmission system, and the antenna or other load.
In this student project, a directional radio frequency power meter is developed for the purpose of measuring low frequency radio energy. Power measurement instruments of this type, operating at frequencies up to 50 MHz, are used primarily for the measurement of plasma excitation energy in the semiconductor process industry. In addition, these instruments also find wide application in the maintenance of high frequency (2-30 MHz) tactical military communications networks.


Timothy Holt    
Engineering and Science Technology
University of Akron
United States

Andrew Milks    
Engineering and Science Technology
University of Akron
United States


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