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Final Paper
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Capstone design project in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) at Christian Brothers University is implemented through two semester courses (CE 431 and CE 432). All students are required to take these courses in their senior year to fulfill graduation requirements. Because students had a difficult time finding the topic of their projects and completing their projects in time, the CEE Department teamed up with governmental and private practitioners to develop a series of strategies and to extend senior project from two semesters to three semesters. As a result, students will have more time and better management skills to organize their projects, find topics, layout design components, and work with practitioners. Since this change started in 2014, the graduation rate has improved from 65% to 96%. This paper will present this new design model of the capstone project including, planning stage, project development, project implementation, and final assessment.
L. Yu Lin
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Christian Brothers University
United States
Robert H. Hunt
Christian Brothers University
United States