ASEE Zone 2 Conference 2017

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Capstone Design for a Growing Program

Final Paper
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For a number of years, the Mechanical Engineering program at the University of Alabama completed industry-based Capstone Design projects. A plan was developed to accommodate 72 students per semester which seemed adequate to meet future needs. However in the past ten years, enrollment has quadrupled. The need for adequate resources to advance these students to graduation has led to new ideas for Capstone Design. These include increasing the size of the teams and having multiple teams address the same problem. The previous Capstone Design program will be described from project assignment, design conception, through execution and delivery to the industrial client. Then the current adjustments will be addressed.
In the paper, the previous Capstone Design program will be described from project assignment, design conception, through execution and delivery to the industrial client. Then the current adjustments will be addressed.


Beth Todd    
Mechanical Engineering
University of Alabama
United States

Nima Mahmoodi    
Mechanical Engineering
University of Alabama
United States


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