ASEE Zone 2 Conference 2017

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It Won’t Sell Itself: Promoting K-12 Teacher and School Buy-In for University-Led Programs

Final Paper
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As evaluators of STEM interventions, we are in the front row observing what works and does not work in K-12 STEM interventions. We are also often aware of a problematic disconnect between program theory and modern educational theory that can reduce the impact that grant-funded interventions have on K-12 educational outcomes. A critical concern for K-12 interventions, particularly when they are led by university-based leaders in partnership with K-12 schools, is maintaining buy-in for the program for teachers and school administrators. Even when funding for the school intervention is available and plentiful, encouraging teachers to adopt and implement program interventions with fidelity is a substantial challenge. This paper presents some lessons we have learned from working with university faculty as they develop and implement interventions with K-12 teachers.


Joni Lakin    
Educational Foundations
Auburn University
United States

Rashida Askia    
Educational Foundations
Auburn University
United States


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