ASEE Zone 2 Conference 2017

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Industrial Engineering Students Making a Difference - Capstone Design Projects Impacting Adults with Disabilities

Final Paper
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This work in progress describes the results, direct impact, and experiences of senior Industrial Engineering (IE) students who ventured in an IE Capstone Design Experience, funded by NSF, to “Make a Difference to Benefit Adults with Disabilities”. This particular experience required pairs of senior students to interact with a multidisciplinary team to develop, build, and implement prototypes to foster independence and self-care, improve the safety and quality of life of individuals with disabilities, and augment their functional capabilities. The results of five capstone projects and the student learning outcomes are described from a program assessment perspective, along with evidence of how these experiences create awareness, sensibility, and knowledge on the needs of adults with disabilities while broadening students’ appreciation of the impact IEs can have in society and wellbeing of others. The impact of developed prototypes on the users is shared as part of documenting the success of the implementation.


Mayra I. Méndez-Piñero    
Industrial Engineering
University of Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico

Cristina Pomales-García    
Industrial Engineering
University of Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico

María Irizarry    
Industrial Engineering
University of Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico


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