ASEE Zone 2 Conference 2017

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Evaluating the Effect of “Flipping the Classroom” in a Probability and Statistics Course: A Plan for Formal Assessment

Final Paper
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In this paper, the author will detail a plan for assessing the effectiveness of a flipped probability and statistics course. The author has taught the course for more than 20 years and first taught it as a flipped class in the fall of 2012. As a result of this experience, the author has data going back several years with which to compare student performance under the same instructor for each paradigm (traditional and flipped). In addition, while the author teaches in an institution that is moderately small and both section size and number of sections in a given term are limited, colleagues within the department have agreed to participate in a direct comparison of student attitudes and performance. The author will draw on both of these resources to develop a comprehensive assessment of flipped classrooms that will be implemented during the 2017-2018 school year.


Laura Moody    
Industrial Engineering & Industrial Management
Mercer University
United States


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