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Final Paper
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The Chemical Engineering Technology (ChET) program at Austin Peay State University (APSU) has been suspended after an extensive 3-year effort to convert the program to online delivery. One of the possible opportunities to recover this work involves the compression of the captured ChET body of knowledge into a 1-year, 30 credit hour certificate program. Three fit- for-purpose preparation courses (Math, Chemistry and Physics) will be developed using the analogous courses in the current ChET curriculum. It is expected that students will be allowed to “test-out” of the preparation courses. Then the existing eight ChET courses will be combined and compressed into 6 more-focused courses. The target audience for a certificate program includes experienced individuals currently working in the Chemical Process Industries (CPI) and the companies of the CPI that do not have a close relationship with a ChET education program.
Chester Little
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Austin Peay State University
United States