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Final Paper
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The Chemical Engineering Technology (ChET) program at Austin Peay State University (APSU) has been suspended after an extensive 3-year effort to convert the program to online delivery. Opportunities have been identified to capture the process technology subject matter for deployment in another program that could benefit from the online availability. One of these promising opportunities involves the existing Engineering Technology program at APSU via the addition of a Sustainability option within its Manufacturing Engineering Technology Concentration (B.S. in ENGT). A proposal for a new Sustainability option built upon the captured ChET body of knowledge is currently being prepared. Much of the original ChET subject matter is already commonly included in the ENGT curriculum. The unique material from the ChET program is primarily associated with energy production and consumption, other industrial inputs and the Health, Safety & Environmental concerns in the manufacturing industries. With some additional course work, this unique ChET material will be expanded to meet the requirements of a new Sustainability option. The full paper will provide details for this new Sustainability option inside Manufacturing Engineering Technology.
Chester Little
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Austin Peay State University
United States
John Blake
Engineering Technology
Austin Peay State University
United States
William Longhurst
Austin Peay State University
United States