ASEE Zone 2 Conference 2017

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The Freshman Experience: A Modular Approach to Experiential Learning

Final Paper
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In the summer of 2015, I was asked to teach an Introduction to Engineering course for the Electrical and Computer Engineering department. The course was for the fall, 2015 semester. I had not taught Intro in quite a few years, and its format had changed significantly. With that in mind, I decided to redesign the course to be comprised of lab modules that led instruction rather than the deciding on the instruction and developing labs around that. This course is now in its third semester and it is proving to provide an effective way to teach students fundamental engineering concepts while engaging their attention and stoking their enthusiasm for the engineering profession.


Afroditi Filippas    
School of Engineering
Virginia Commonwealth University
United States

Umar Hasni    
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Virginia Commonwealth University
United States

Alen Docef    
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Virginia Commonwealth University
United States

Arthur French    
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Virginia Commonwealth University
United States

Georgios Bakirtzis    
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Virginia Commonwealth University
United States

Hiba Nabi    
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Virginia Commonwealth University
United States

Angelica Sunga    
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Virginia Commonwealth University
United States


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