ASEE Zone 2 Conference 2017

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The Freshman Experience: A modular Approach to Experiential Learning

Final Paper
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We will train interested faculty in using our modular approach to the Introduction to Engineering course and demonstrate how it provides rigor and specific learning outcomes, while being appropriate not only for engineering freshmen but also for students from other disciplines who are interested in engineering or considering a change of major. The course provides rigorous and in-depth learning of important engineering fundamentals while clearly demonstrating the areas of interaction between all the engineering disciplines as well as the sciences and math. This is achieved through the implementation of simple but fun lab projects where students design and build working prototypes of simple machines.
Participants will be introduced to the challenges and benefits of putting engineering courses online ( and how MATLAB™, LON_CAPA (a learning on-line network – and an open-source electronics platform (Arduino) are used to supplement students’ learning and mastery of fundamental concepts and engineering tools. Examples and training in the use of LON-CAPA to generate dynamic problem sets will be provided. One or two specific lab exercises with associated homework, lab work and innovative reporting modalities will be presented in detail. Participants will be able to experience the modal nature of these exercises, and see how they can use the specific resource or expand it by creating their own learning modules. We will also go through “Two weeks in the life of a 101 student”, to present how the students are trained to stay in constant contact with the course through judiciously spaced homework and reporting exercises.
The purpose is to create a network of first-year instructors who prepare and share their learning modules, thus strengthening the first year experience for all as well as improving the pipeline into STEM through outreach to community colleges and high schools.


Afroditi Filippas    
School of Engineering
Virginia Commonwealth University
United States

Umar Hasni    
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Virginia Commonwealth University
United States

Alen Docef    
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Virginia Commonwealth University
United States

Georgios Bakirtzis    
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Virginia Commonwealth University
United States

Angelica Sunga    
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Virginia Commonwealth University
United States

Hiba Nabi    
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Virginia Commonwealth University
United States

Arthur French    
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Virginia Commonwealth University
United States


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