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Final Paper
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The senior capstone design experience for computer engineering and electrical engineering majors at Old Dominion University (ODU) is a two-semester course. The projects are multidisciplinary, with some projects involving collaboration with industry and federal labs. In the first semester, the students mainly focus on proposal development, acquiring components needed, and conducting preliminary designs. In the second semester, the students implement the design proposal developed in the first semester, write their final report, and present their results in oral and poster formats. The Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at ODU uses a set of rubrics to evaluate the outcome of the senior design projects. A committee of three faculty plus the faculty project adviser complete the assessment rubric and the results are summarized and used to assure that the design projects fulfill the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) outcomes and to continue to improve the students’ learning. In, this paper, we discuss the course structure, requirements, and the grading rubrics.
Hani Elsayed-Ali
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Old Dominion University
United States
Shao - Hui Natalie Chuang
Old Dominion University
United States