ASEE Zone 2 Conference 2017

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A case study of photovoltaic cost effectiveness in Gainesville, Florida and its educational value

This research evaluates the cost and benefit of using photovoltaic (PV) panels in residential and commercial buildings in Gainesville, Florida. Furthermore, the objective was also to reduce the greenhouse effect of carbon dioxide. The method of this research included researching online databases to identify the benefits and costs to quantify them. Data was collected from the local utility system, Gainesville Regional Utilities. From the data analysis, utilizing Excel, the results showed several findings including the near future monetary benefits of using PV panels on residential and commercial buildings. The implementation of PV panels contributed to reduction of certain pollution in Gainesville. In conclusion, PV panels are great investments which not only saves the individuals’ and businesses’ electric bills, but also saves the environment from the greenhouse effect. The case study in this research has a potential educational value for researchers and students within the engineering discipline. Innovation in clean technology resulted from coordinated and diverse policy effort, which includes tax credits, loans, pollution regulations and increase in efficiency. Technological advancement resulted in PV cost reduction which then resulted in the growth of PV industry. Thus, this research will provide an opportunity for the researchers and engineering students to learn more about PV panels and potentially help the cost reduction and greater efficiency of PV panels in the future. Furthermore, the concern for global warming is a wake-up call for mankind and it should motivate researchers and engineering students to focus on this issue for the future generations.


Meg Simms    
Civil and Coastal Engineering
University of Florida
United States

Fazil Najafi    
Civil and Coastal Engineering
University of Florida
United States


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