ASEE Zone 2 Conference 2017

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Impact of Materials Science and Engineering Clubs on students expectations and perceived challenges toward pursuing higher education degrees

In partnership with Puerto Rico Public Middle Schools and High Schools, the Nanotechnology Center at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus sponsored 20 Materials Science and Engineering Clubs (MSE), impacting over 500 low income students through outreach activities. Annually, MSE Club members participate in 6 guided hands-on demonstrations, experiments and interactive STEM related activities. A research study to monitor the short and long term effectiveness of the outreach activities in MSE Clubs was conducted using a pre-post test questionnaire. We hypothesise that MSE Club outreach activities impact directly and positively: (1) students' expectations in pursuing higher education degrees in STEM related fields; (2) increased frequency in conversations with parents about: (a) advanced STEM courses in high school, (b) preparation for the College Board, (c) future professional career and (d) financial aid; (3) interest for pursuing STEM degrees in college; and (4) reduction in perceived challenges to start college in the future. MSE Club members completed the questionnaire at the beginning and end of the academic year. In 2015, 109 (18%; 64% females, 34% males) members from 47% of the 17 active MSE Clubs, submitted answers to both questionnaires. To test our hypotheses, responses were coded, and data was analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results show that 21% of students increased their expectations with regards to advanced degrees, while 90% expected to pursue either bachelors, masters or doctoral degrees in the future. Over 65% maintained or increased the frequency of conversation with parents about advanced STEM courses at high school, the college board, professional degrees or financial aids. On average, 23% increased their interest in pursuing STEM degrees in college and 21% changed their perception about financial aid as a challenge to start college in the future. Overall, research results evidenced the effectiveness of the Center's outreach activities in MSE Clubs.


Johana Mercado-Colón    
Industrial Engineering
University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus
Puerto Rico

Zairelys Reyes-Rivera    
Industrial Engineering
University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus
Puerto Rico

Cristina Pomales-García    
Industrial Engineering
University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus
Puerto Rico


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