ASEE Zone 2 Conference 2017

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SERVISER: A Car Maintenance and Repair Tracking Program

Currently, there are approximately 1.2 billion cars being used all around the world. Surprisingly, Puerto Rico is one of the countries with the biggest number of cars per a thousand inhabitants. There are 635 vehicles per 1000 inhabitants in Puerto Rico. In other words, for each person living in Puerto Rico, there are 0.66 vehicles. Maintaining these vehicles in good working conditions represents a significant expense for most people. It has been estimated that, on average, American citizens spend 1.5 percent of their annual salary on repairs, maintenance, and modifications of their vehicles. Without a detail tracking of these expenses, it is not possible to keep good accounting in regards to how much it costs to keep the vehicle in good working conditions. Hence, there is a need for a platform to help people keep a record of the cost, quantity, date and how often all these maintenances, repairs, and modifications occurred or should occur. A program named Serviser was developed to help users keep track of all the maintenances, modifications and repairs made to their cars. Serviser includes essential details for the vehicle’s maintenances, repairs, and modifications activities such as costs, dates, automotive shop where work was performed, and a reminder for the next maintenance to the vehicle. The Serviser program was developed using C++ as part of the final project of the intermediate programming course. The program was tested with control data, and it was executed with no errors generating the expected results. Future work will include the development of a mobile application.


Fabian Velez-Vicente    
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Universidad del Turabo
Puerto Rico

Eduardo Hidalgo-Rijo    
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Universidad del Turabo
Puerto Rico

Jaimar Cruz-Cabrera    
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Universidad del Turabo
Puerto Rico

Wilma Pabon-Ramirez    
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Universidad del Turabo
Puerto Rico


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