ASEE Zone 2 Conference 2017

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Entrepreneurial Training for REU Students

Final Paper
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An innovative Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program gave engineering undergraduates an opportunity to improve their technical and professional skills while experiencing entrepreneurship firsthand. The unique learning experience embedded a six-week entrepreneurship training into the 10-week REU program to broaden learning outcomes. On questionnaires administered before and after the program, students rated their knowledge about (1) developing a business model and (2) turning a research or technology idea into something marketable higher on the post-test than on the pre-test. In spite of this increase in knowledge, students expressed some level of dissatisfaction. In response to open-ended questions and in a focus group discussion, students offered suggestions for increasing satisfaction with the contribution of the entrepreneurial program, Crimson Startup, to the research experience. We plan to improve the training and tailor it specifically to enhance the experience for REU students.


Susan Burkett    
Electrical Engineering
The University of Alabama
United States

Eric Giannini    
Civil, Construction, Environmental Engineering
The University of Alabama
United States

Rachel Frazier    
Alabama Innovation and Mentoring of Entrepreneurs
The University of Alabama
United States

Debra McCallum    
Institute for Social Science Research
The University of Alabama
United States

Stephanie Wood    
Civil, Construction, Environmental Engineering
The University of Alabama
United States

Garrett Quenneville    
Institute for Social Science Research
The University of Alabama
United States


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