ASEE Zone 2 Conference 2017

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Automated Rain Shield for a Mechanical Wheelchair

The automation of processes has always been an extraordinary tool in most cases. Whenever a process or activity needs an improvement because of poor human skill or simply because is not possible to a common person to perform, the developing of an automated tool or process, in most cases, is the answer. As Industrial Engineers we many times face these types of challenges, which to overcome is to bring the best results.
That is the case for this project. The objective is to improve the life of an undergraduate computer engineering student in our campus. We face the challenge to empower him to do activities that right now are limited to him. This student normally feels preoccupation because it takes too much time and effort to accomplish certain activities. This serves as a great opportunity, not just as professionals, but also as human beings to improve the quality of living of this person by applying engineering knowledge.
In the process of knowing all the everyday major life activities that the student has to perform, we determined that we are going to design, develop and construct an automated rain shield for the mechanical wheelchair of the student. By doing this we expect to empower the student to move across the university campus, getting outside of his house and other places without having fear of getting wet because of rain or damaging his wheelchair.
Working in this project means that we will have the opportunity to feel the change in the student way of life, and hopefully bring us the satisfaction of solving a problem using an engineering approach.


Christopher Pagan-Rodriguez    
Industrial Engineering
Puerto Rico

Oscar Salgado-GarcĂ­a    
Industrial Engineering
Puerto Rico


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