ASEE Zone 2 Conference 2017

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VESO-Drone: A Novel Drone-Carried Service System for Emergency Response Applications

The Versatile Service Oriented Wireless Mesh Network (VESO Mesh) is a useful platform developed on a previous project for IAP. It is a mobile ad-hoc network with data storage, processing and distribution capabilities inside the mesh network. The main components are small, single board computer that compose the nodes of the wireless mesh, running the Debian based Voyage Linux as server and Optimized Link State (OLSR) as a routing protocol.

On a previous IAP submission, the current version of VESO Mesh was used as a platform in hardware and software for M2M applications. The result was an Interface Control Document (ICD) that describes the configuration of the system for such purposes. The main goal of this project is to use the ICD to develop and evaluate a VESO-Drone system for data dissemination in emergency response via a web and/or mobile application.


Fernando Ortiz    
Computer Engineering
Puerto Rico

Kenneth Padro    
Software Engineering
Puerto Rico

Nicole Lopez    
Computer Engineering
Puerto Rico


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