ASEE Zone 2 Conference 2017

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Exploring Pathways to Developing Self-Efficacy in New Computer Science Teachers

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Multiple efforts at Mississippi State University (MSU) are working to support the Mississippi Department of Education (MDE) and White House initiatives of providing access to computer science learning for all K12 students. In the summer of 2016, MDE, in partnership with the Research and Curriculum Unit at MSU, conducted professional development workshops in preparation for the rollout of computer science courses in 68 self-selected public schools. In addition, MSU piloted a teacher institute with a goal of enabling teachers from a variety of disciplines to integrate computing and cybersecurity concepts into the classroom. Although both of these professional development programs offered support for the goal of providing computer science learning to all K12 students, the approaches were distinctly different. A summary of both experiences and related observations will be shared, with recommendations for best practices in bringing computer science to K12 classrooms in the state of Mississippi.


Jessica Ivy    
Department of Curriculum, Instruction, and Special Education
Mississippi State University
United States

Shelly Hollis    
Research and Curriculum Unit
Mississippi State University
United States

Dana Franz    
Department of Curriculum, Instruction, and Special Education
Mississippi State University
United States

Sarah Lee    
Computer Science and Engineering
Mississippi State University
United States

Donna Reese    
Computer Science and Engineering
Mississippi State University
United States


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