ASEE Zone 2 Conference 2017

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Observations on Using the Flipped Classroom Model in an Introduction to Environmental Engineering Course

Final Paper
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This paper reports on student perceptions of using the Flipped classroom in an undergraduate course on environmental engineering. The responsibility of taking ownership of learning was placed on students by asking them to view recorded lectures, read the text, and complete 6, on- line assignments prior to coming to class. During class time, students worked in teams of 2 or 3 to complete problem-solving activities with assistance from the instructor. A pre- and post- survey were conducted to ascertain student perceptions about using the Flipped classroom approach. Results from the survey indicated that students prefer a combination of a Partially Flipped and Partially Traditional Lecture-based course over the Traditional Lecture-Based course or the Flipped Classroom. These results are most likely attributed to the maturity of the students and their ability to assume the responsibility for life-long learning.


Richard Mines    
Environmental Engineering Department
Mercer University
United States


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