ASEE Zone 2 Conference 2017

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Increasing College Opportunity in STEM Education through High School Visitation Day at the Two-Year College

Final Paper
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The benefits of a post-secondary STEM education are well documented in the literature. However, for many underrepresented students and especially those who are low-income and first generation, the culture of obtaining a STEM degree presents barriers. These students often lack guidance, encouragement, and support to attend college. They are less likely to attend schools with a strong “college-going” culture or engage in exposure experiences. Georgia State University, Perimeter College attempts to address these barriers through a program aimed at increasing exposure to STEM for K-12 students. Funded in part by the National Science Foundation, the goals of High School Visitation Day (HSVD) are to provide an exposure experience that introduces a collegiate setting, encourages a college-going mindset and equips students with information on STEM majors and the college application process. In this paper, we discuss the importance and impact of increasing college opportunity and STEM education awareness through HSVD.


Pamela Leggett-Robinson    
Georgia State University - Perimeter College
United States

Cynthia Lester    
Computer Science/Engineering
Georgia State University - Perimeter College
United States

Brandi Villa    
Belay Consutling, LLC
United States

Naranja Davis    
Georgia State University - Perimeter College
United States


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