ASEE Zone 2 Conference 2017

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Making Online Industrial Engineering Technology Education a Reality: An Assessment of the Tools and Technologies that Facilitate Remote Lab Instruction

Final Paper
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Making an industrial engineering technology (IET) degree program available to everyone,
everywhere is only achievable through a distance education model of online instruction and labs.
Traditional on-campus IET programs are limited to those students who are able to physically get
to campus during the times when courses and labs are scheduled. With demand for highly trained
industrial engineers growing, IET degree programs must expand their reach to everyone,
including those who are unable to attend on-campus courses due to physical distance, disability,
or professional reasons.
We present a comprehensive assessment of a wide scope of simulation tools and remote access
technologies and evaluate their ability to meet all lab objectives in a 4-year ATMAE accredited
undergraduate Industrial Engineering Technology (IET) degree program. Each tool and
technology is individually appraised on its ability to provide the distance education IET student
with a hands-on lab experience comparable to that of the face-to-face student.


John Pickard    
Technology Systems
East Carolina University
United States

Ranjeet Agarwla    
Technology Systems
East Carolina University
United States

Jimmy Linn    
Technology Systems
East Carolina University
United States

Wendell Collie    
Technology Systems
East Carolina University
United States


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