ASEE Zone 2 Conference 2017

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Student Perception of Teamwork Skills and Experiences Across Prerequisite Courses in Transportation Engineering at The Citadel

Final Paper
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Teamwork is an important professional skill for engineering students to obtain knowledge, develop proficiency, and attain constructive experience during their undergraduate education program of study. This paper describes student team formation, assigned teamwork activities, and student perception of teamwork activities for a series of connected transportation engineering prerequisite courses extending across all four years of the undergraduate curriculum. Teamwork assignments within the transportation engineering course prerequisite thread include: laboratory teams, problems solving sessions, homework assignments, class presentations, proposal preparation, design projects, and design project presentations. Student perceptions of team formation, collaboration, learning, leadership and effectiveness were obtained though a survey questionnaire instrument. Survey results will be presented with the intention of providing further insight on how the curriculum is preforming on this crucially important professional skills outcome.


William Davis    
Civil & Environmental Engineering
The Citadel
United States

Dimitra Michalaka    
Civil & Environmental Engineering
The Citadel
United States

Kweku Brown    
Civil & Environmental Engineering
The Citadel
United States


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